
We offer a multitude of workshops to train your team on a variety of topics. If you don’t see what you need below, contact us to begin work on a training solution customized for your organization.

Building Trust: A Superpower During Changing Times

Developing a positive approach to both expected and unexpected change is an essential and valuable skill to possess in today’s workplace. The need to adjust and alter our plans and expectations, drive what is now considered a normal part of life. What remains constant in today’s evolving environment is the need for strong relationships built on trust and respect. The process of change is not easy but is made easier with people at your side that can be counted on.


In this course we will consider what makes change so difficult to accept, and how to position yourself and your organization to anticipate and welcome change as a positive experience. We will explore what it means to look at change through the lens of trust & relationship. Finally, we will discuss strategies to increase trust in the workplace, thus positioning ourselves to successfully navigate the inevitable change that will come, resulting in a positive and productive culture.



Participants will:

  • Examine the key elements of trust as they relate to the workplace
  • Gain knowledge of how change works at the individual and organizational level
  • Understand the impact of trust on successful change management
  • Practice a strategy for replacing broken patterns that drive behavior
  • Explore their personal behavioral style as it responds to change
  • Learn practical ways to build trust at work thereby strengthening relationships
Being Right-side Up in an Upside-down World

Being Right-side Up in an Upside-down World

Dealing with the Challenges of Uncertain Times

Recent events have raised the level of uncertainty for all of us. A world-wide health crisis, political and social unrest, and economic insecurity all add to the instability that has become a part of our daily lives. These circumstances have resulted in a lot of change in our lives, both at home and at work, raising our level of stress and anxiety.


As we face the “now” normal we have all been thrust into, it is necessary for us to remain positive and find new ways to respond in order to survive and thrive. In this workshop participants will identify why they respond to change and stress the way they do. In addition, they will be introduced to practical steps to take during these uncertain times, including strategies for healthy coping & stress management and ways to practice self-care.



Participants will

  • learn how to cultivate a mindset of positivity
  • develop a method for successfully dealing with change
  • discover a 3-step process for minimizing Stress
  • understand the secret to managing emotions and thriving under pressure
Mission Driven Customer Service

Good customer service is the lifeblood of your organization. How staff handles both internal and external customers, will directly impact your ability to reach goals and achieve organizational success. The key is balancing customer needs with company and departmental expectations, while building a relationship of trust. This not always easy, but it is a critical component of effective customer service. This seminar focuses on building the skills necessary to communicate professionally- in even the most difficult circumstances, gain respect, and enhance customer relationships.



Participants will

  • learn the benefits of excellent customer service
  • understand the connection between service and mission
  • identify who their true customers are- both internally and externally
  • develop techniques for responding to specific customer behaviors
  • learn how to diffuse angry and abusive customers
  • learn to turn problems into opportunities for customer satisfaction
Work, Interrupted

Do you have the desire to take better control of your time, and ultimately your life? Studies tell us that during an average workday a person can waste up to three hours, due to interruptions, time mismanagement, and lack of proper prioritization. By identifying your greatest interruptions and developing strategies to manage them, and thus put things in the proper priority, you can take back control of your day.


Learn surprisingly easy and effective solutions that will make you less harried, more productive—and, ultimately, more successful. Managing Interruptions has a lot more to do with discipline than organization and time management… and discipline is a skill that anyone can conquer. Come discover how to take back the control you desperately desire; then your biggest problem will be, what to do with all that extra time!


Participants will

  • identify challenges participants may face in managing their day, and develop strategies for overcoming these challenges
  • learn a series of practical time management & prioritization techniques
  • understand how to gain control of time, by dealing with interruptions, procrastination, and other  time wasters
  • see how personal style affects one’s management of time and priorities
  • develop a personal action plan for getting more done, in less time
Making the Unconscious, Conscious: Overcoming Unconscious Bias

What is unconscious bias, and how does it affect your day-to-day interactions and decision-making? Our tendency to see the world through a lens that favors our own reality complicates matters as our workplaces become more and more diverse. Research suggests that diverse teams, though more productive, are often less connected. Why? People are not fitting into the comfortable little boxes we had them in previously.  Attitudes and biases we carry, beyond our consciousness, dictate our perceptions of ourselves and others. This influences our patterns of behavior, both in and out of work.

Explore the basics of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and the responsibility of all team members to establish an environment that values difference. Examine the direct link between personal bias and unconscious thinking, and how they can affect our beliefs and actions. And learn about The Cycle of Consciousness©, a process by which we can achieve more intentional outcomes. By making the unconscious conscious, you can consciously choose to create a workplace that encourages authenticity and inclusion.

Participants will

  • develop a foundational understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion
  • discover how unconscious bias impacts beliefs, values, and actions
  • understand their role in fostering a positive, respectful workplace environment
  • learn a clear approach for challenging unconscious bias through The Cycle of Consciousness©
The Anatomy of Culture: Building Organizational Culture from the Inside Out

Today’s rapidly changing work environments make it difficult for organizations to develop and retain their best staff. A strong, positive company culture increases employee loyalty and engagement, promotes better collaboration and better performance, and keeps morale high. This all begins with understanding how organizational culture affects the way people and groups interact with each other, with clients, and with other stakeholders. Also, the link between organizational culture and how employees identify with their purpose and value.

This training illuminates the difference between organizational culture and climate, and how you can enhance both. It looks at culture as a living breathing organism that emerges from the social, physical, and psychological environment within your organization and breaks down the components of each of these areas.


Participants will

  • learn to identify culture and climate within your organization, and how workplace climate can permeate and affect organizational culture
  • understand, foundationally, what is needed to build strong company culture
  • examine what challenges positive culture today
  • explore the steps necessary to build resiliency, once a solid organizational culture is in place
Managing Up and Out

Successfully managing your relationship with your manager and with those who you support or assist, goes beyond thinking like them or putting yourself in their shoes.  It requires that you have a good understanding of their goals and priorities, as well as their strengths and the critical challenges they face day to day. Working well with your boss, board members, and leadership team, requires strong communication skills, people skills, and a small bit of diplomacy. This course is designed to equip participants with the tools necessary for persuading, motivating, and influencing, even when authority is limited.



Participants will

  • discover what they need to consider for effective persuasion
  • understand the different personality styles and how they are motivated
  • learn how to respond when faced with conflicting beliefs, attitudes or priorities from a manager or colleague
  • identify the best way to influence in difficult situations, or with difficult people
Managing 101: Foundational Skills for Managers

Many managers struggle today, because the skills and processes that made them a great team player do not necessarily make a great supervisor. Training is a crucial part of excelling in a management or supervisory position. Gallup’s research on employee engagement finds that 70% of employee disengagement is due to the manager. In fact, employees who respect their bosses have more energy, less stress, and fewer sick days. Whether you are a newly promoted supervisor or a supervisor with a new team, this foundational management skills seminar will help you develop and refine the skills essential to manage people more effectively.


What is the most important job of a manger? What is their primary challenge, and responsibility? In this training you will discover the answers to these questions, as well as exploring topics that are vital to developing effective management skills–helping you meet challenges with increased confidence, respect, and power.



Participants will

  • learn how to establish authority, boost credibility, and earn respect
  • discover a four-step process for giving feedback and requesting behavior change
  • develop a system for successfully setting priorities and managing interruptions
  • understand the secret to building a team that values diversity and fosters inclusion
It’s About Time: A Change of Habit

Come explore how personality, habit, and routine, affect our ability to get things done; which, in turn, impacts our success at work. How we work, what may keep us from work, and our daily habits and routines, play a large role in our productivity. When trying to adopt a good habit- or squelch a bad one – it is important that we know ourselves and our nature. We all respond to things in different ways, which can make habit-forming a complicated matter. Add to that, the tendency in most work places to pass along routines through training, ignoring the fact that not everyone works in the same manner.


Discover the tremendous personal empowerment that comes from knowing and understanding the effect personality has on our approach to goal setting, developing routines, meeting expectations, and changing behaviors- providing insight into what may work better for you. We will also take a look at the habits of some very successful people, allowing you to devise a personal strategy for success.


Participants will

  • explore the effect that automating behaviors has on brain power and productivity
  • understand the role that personality plays on your approach to goal setting, habit, and routine
  • discover the secret to stopping bad habits and developing new ones
  • learn specific strategies for developing intentional habits at work that will increase productivity and efficiency
Bridging the Gap- Dealing with Generational Differences in the Workplace

For the first time in our nation’s history, America has seven living generations, and five generations in the workplace. Improvements to our healthcare system, means people are living and working longer than in previous generations.  In addition, new technology allows for younger workers to assume more responsibility at a faster rate- which creates confusion. People are not fitting into the comfortable little boxes we had them in previously and they certainly aren’t following any previously defined career track. The purpose of this training is to raise awareness of the distinctive perspectives, motivations, and expectations of each generation, resulting in stronger relationships and collaborations between staff, stakeholders, and clients.


Participants will                                                                                                  

  • learn how new generations are defined and determined
  • recognize the characteristics and core values of the five generations in today’s workplace
  • gain a clear picture of how the generations perceive each other
  • identify the most effective ways of working and communicating across generations
  • understand the uniqueness of each generation and what each brings to the table